Tuesday, September 4, 2007

10 Corporate Myths

10. Everybody is replaceable

You wouldn’t be the same if you lost an arm, or a finger, why would a company stay the same when someone leaves?

9. Under-promise, over-deliver

Just deliver what you promised. Keep your word.

8. Take examples in the extremes. Apple, GE, Welsh, Jobs…

Steve Jobs is the best at being Steve Jobs. Period.

7. Innovate, innovate, innovate

Focus your innovation – not anybody can handle thinking outside the box (with freedom comes responsibility). The iPod was created by a secret team of 6 people and not by all 20000 Apple employees.

6. Vision, vision, vision

Having a vision is not enough. You should think peripheral vision

5. Design is art

The tyranny of design must end :)… Designers (you know who you are)! Maybe you didn’t get the memo: art died some thirty years ago... Let’s recognize this loss and work together to reinvent it.

4. Design is creativity

The democratization (sic) of design reduces the imagination level and constantly drowns the best thinking.

In a company, creative thinking should mainly live in the realm of strategy and not in that of tactics (execution).

3. Leaders can be made

You can try. But who guarantees that you are a leader? Your business card?

2. Leaders, leaders, leaders

Most leaders are just bureaucrats.

“Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting someone else to do the work.” -- John G. Pollard

“In classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, ‘How well he spoke,’ but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they said, ‘LET US MARCH.’” - Adlai Stevenson (via Tom Peters)

1. There is no I in team.
There is no I in leader neither... nor in 'what an old and lousy way to handle your company's team management strategy'

This is war not an AA meeting.


Octavian Mihai

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