Friday, August 29, 2008

Orangina: You're doing it wrong

When I first read about the news of the ad being taken out from british tv, i just thought that the anglo-saxons were too prude for the french taste. after watching the ad i just have to ask: why?

they took a couple good branding concepts like the coca-cola world, sexy nature, live giving potion, dancing animals, pixar fun animation, and they created this monster...

the ejaculating orangina bottle... do your own declinations...
this does not serve any purpose than to create some buzz and have users go aewwwwww from the ad's bad taste... wait... orangina... bad taste... humm i bet this is not what they intended.

at the end of the day i could care less about the dumb, tasteless animation but if you target horny teenagers why have a soundtrack that plays bad boogaloo latino music??

but you don't need professional arguments why the ad does not work, just read the user comments... as one user puts it: makes you wanna f%&# a dear...

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